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Govt Releases Funds To Clear Medical Supplies At Tema Port

Govt Releases Funds To Clear Medical Supplies At Tema Port

The Ministry of Health (MoH) has announced that it has received funds from the Ministry of Finance necessary for the clearance of the Global Fund medical supplies that are currently at the Tema port.

In a recent statement released on Thursday, June 13, the ministry noted that it has received an amount of GH¢7,429,694.39 from the Ministry of Finance for the payment demurrage for the clearance of all Global Fund outstanding containers at the Tema Port.

The shipment comprises 272 containers of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs), 2 containers filled with pharmaceuticals (including ARVs, HIV Rapid Diagnostic Tests, and ACTs), and 8 containers of medical devices and equipment.

“In accordance with the above, the Ministry of Health, with the assistance of the Ministry of Finance, secured auction chits for the clearance of 219 containers, leaving an outstanding 64 containers without chits. However, the Ministry’s inability to clear the commodities at the port was as a result of third-party charges amounting to GH¢ 7,429,694,39.”

“Further to the above, a request letter was sent to the Ministry of Finance to assist in the securing of auction chits for the outstanding 64 containers, which comprise one TB medication container, the remaining mosquito nets, and the outstanding third-party charges,” the MoH stated.

The Ministry therefore urged Ghanaians and its stakeholders to continue to exercise patience as they continued to work to ensure the clearance and delivery of these essential commodities for the good of public health.

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